ready for viral pins on repeat?


So you're ready to create organic traffic that gets you leads on auto-pilot?
(and gets you quality clients that actually want to work with you)

But Maybe you're not sure how to...

  • Choose no-brainer pin topics that people to want to click on
  • Quit starting from scratch every time you go to create content
  • Stop the scroll of "the right people" & hold their attention long enough to get them to your website
  • Create show-stopping lead magnets so that people cannot resist downloading your content

But you like the idea of...

  • Creating trust & loyalty with your audience (and get paid for it) so that it's a no brainer when you pitch them your core offer
  • Knowing how to design a pin that people click on without hesitation 
  • Building your email list full of warm leads via a freebie or low-ticket product
  • Creating one piece of content that brings in leads for months or even years to come

You've got Pin ideas

But they aren't capturing the attention you know they could

you have a killer offer

But your messaging feels slightly off & sometimes your clientele doesn't understand EXACTLY what you sell and why they should buy it.

you know marketing

But you still feel like you are posting at random & hoping it will convert

what if you stoppped the guesswork? 

What if you could be absolutely certain that the pins you create would bring in new subscribers to your email list every day?

but it is 100% possible!

I know in this wild online world everything is so uncertain & there are a million people vying for your ears, so it does make me question if I should tell you this...

But, YES, there is a fact-based formula to message your pins & offers so that you can rest assured your lead magnets will convert!

The Truth

Here's the truth. People are busy and typically are only concerned with what is relevant to them right now.
It used to be before I jumped into the land of Pinterest, I was constantly posting on Instagram & Facebook groups working to connect with my ideal clients.

Here I was wanting to connect with my people (aka the women that needed my coaching services) & find them based on their IG vanity metrics, their business models & posts they would comment on.    

Yet, what I found was a constant grind that felt like hunting and let's not even mention how much effort it was to get them to click through to my website.    

You may have heard that in order to attract your client you need to be constantly adding value, going live or reaching out in cold DM's.    

But, after seeing my ideal clients click on my pins & download my lead magnets I realized that I was working way too hard.  

I’ve found that by going in depth on understanding my customer's pain points (by using my pain point method) & clearly laying out the keywords they were searching for to get answers to their problems, I began meeting clients where they already were, without feeling the constant hustle of tracking them down.

Ready to start creating viral pins & getting the perfect clients on your email list?

inside the viral pin blueprint MASTERCLASS,
I will help you...

Create & leverage your content pillars so that you can take the guess work out of what to create next that works for your business and that ideal customer

Learn how to get the attention of your ideal clients and stop the scroll, while building their trust.

Discover the Pain Point Method so that you can build messaging that aligns to your customers desires on repeat

Master the Customer Journey Framework and how to create irresistible lead magnets that will actually convert

What's included?

the viral pin blueprint MASTERCLASS
(Limited time Price)

  • Viral Pin Blueprint Masterclass ($197 Value)
  • Learn how to capture the attention of your ideal client 
  • Discover how to create a pin that your clients get excited about
  • Identify your viral pin topic 
  • Determine what your irresistible lead magnet is so that you can convert prospects into subscribers without paid ads 
  • Map out your messaging so that you can easily do this on repeat 
  • Bonus #1: Content Pillars Worksheet ($97 value)
  • Bonus #2: Pain Point Method Worksheet ($97 value)

all yours for just $7!  
Total Value $391

here's a "bit" of what we will cover

  • My strategic Pain Point Method so you can easily target what your clients want now, speak their language & stop their scroll
  • The difference between the click-worthy pins and those that lack the luster
  • The psychology of why it is nearly impossible to get your client's attention & how to target what they need now! 
  • How to avoid the content creation slump & work smarter, identifying the premier topics that make sense for your offer and for your client
  • Template to narrowing in on specific pin topics that make sense & how they relate to your lead magnet.
  • How to easily build your list with people that are happy to know what you have to offer them next.
  • All things keywords so that you can ensure that pin goes viral
  • Why people buy and what is going to make them say "yes" 

As soon as you sign up you will be
well on your way to creating those
viral pins & landing those quality leads!

 "With Kristine's guidance, I was able to increase my Pinterest content impressions by well over 200,000 and followers by over 1,000, in just 4 months! Pinterest is the greatest driver to my website by far and I have weekly opt-ins from potential clients. I am grateful to have content out there working for me while I sleep.." 

Jen Allen
CEO - Aligned Interiors

I help impact-driven females sell out their programs & offers through the leveraging the power of Pinterest

Kristine Schwartz is a business coach, speaker, & creator of the Reinvent Your Strategy Program & the Co-Creation Collective Mastermind.

She helps female, impact-driven brands confidently connect their niche digital offers, messaging, & Pinterest marketing roadmaps in repeatable & profitable ways so they can sell out their offers authentically...

...all with the foundation of elevating the customer experience & understanding the psychology of the customer journey.