Join this 4 Month Immersive Experience To Create Consistent $5k Months In Your Business 

What if you could start selling your offer confidently to reach your next $5k month?  What if you could start growing a personal brand that builds loyalty with your audience & a consistent stream of new leads? Well, Inside the Power Mind you do just that… & more… 

Just Imagine If… 

  • You could build a personal brand that keeps customers coming back 
  • You could increase your visibility on multiple channels without feeling overwhelmed 
  • Imagine finding your favorite launch strategy that is replicable and makes you money 
  • Imagine feeling completely confident in your sales process where closing high ticket deals is your new normal. 
  • Imagine if you have a smooth automated product suite where customers keep working with you and you don’t have to chase clients


  • This is for the entrepreneur who has an offer already
  • Who wants more confidence promoting themselves online
  • Who knows this is just the beginning and you have a BIG vision for your life and business
  • You’re ambitious and ready for the next big step

But you're feeling...

  •  You don’t know HOW to get consistent clients 
  • You feel imposter syndrome online
  • You’re overwhelmed with all the strategies you’re hearing online
  • You’re unsure how to launch in a way that works for their business and offer
  • Sales scares the shit out of you…
  • You feel salesy and it gives you the icks.  

Hey! I’ve been there.

I remember feeling confident one minute and like I totally flopped it the next. Basically putting my foot in my mouth when selling the customer. I would be on a call and hear one objection, “I just don’t know if right now is the right time,” and I would shut down. Literally it would break my confidence and wham, out the window went my energy and the sale. I felt like a fraud because I knew that person on the other line could use what I was selling, but my impostor syndrome made me give up.

Sales is an energetic exchange. People want what you're selling. Sometimes they don’t even know that they need it. It’s our job to be the doctors, to diagnose the customer and truly understand what they need so we can diagnose the perfect solution for them.

 It took me a long time and many coaches to understand the art of sales and that it can actually be easy when you have the right tools in your tool belt. 

The Powermind is the place to be if you’re ready to become a magnet for client attraction & learn how to close the sale from a place of high-vibe energy!


  • 1 weekly intimate group call with Kristine & other members where you get a hot seat and are able to get feedback on your process.  
  • Group Voxer access so that you can get feedback right away and learn from others in the group. 
  • Presentation each month where you will learn exactly how to implement these strategies step - by -step 
  • Group Facebook which will allow you to post what you are working on and get live real time support 

Monthly Overview


Personal Brand

Confidence and clarity around what a personal brand looks like & how to amplify it. Boost your ability to speak your authentic truth with what you believe in for their customer

Month 1


Learn how to gain and leverage an audience, and followers on social media. Get aligned on what channels work for your audience, and grow your brand presence. 

Month 2


Launch in a way that’s meaningful to them but has a sales strategy: ever-green or quarterly launch strategies so you can understand how to sell out your programs and the type of content to create

Month 3


Getting clear on how to sell your program on a 1:1 call and having a template that covers all objections and understanding how to pitch your program  

Month 4


Get your funnel for Leads and customers running and optimized. Identify lead funnel and building value ladder for current customers to turn them into long-term clients.

... So are you ready for 4 months of increased visibility, allowing you to expand your business growth through mastering your offer funnel, sales process & personal brand?

Investment is $888 per month for 5 months 

Total of $4,440

Start date Feb 2023

What People Are Saying

"I'm getting so much out of this group. And I still have so much to do. So I'm very grateful and excited. I'm already getting so much transformation."
Tanya Kuetter
Transformation Coach
OMG! After refining my offer, tweaking my niche, and getting super solid on my messaging using Kristine's frame work…I landed two clients in a week! Kristine’s guidance & support has been so instrumental in my business’ online growth! 
Celestina Brunetti
Founder at Wellness Cucina
This group is powerful and I’m grateful to be a part of it. Thank you Kristine Schwartz for making it possible.
Melissa Wheeler
VP at Cape Cod Cleaning Collaborative


If you are:

- Feeling like you want intimate attention on your ideas
- Want to gain more consistency in clients and revenue
- Ready for momentum in your growth when it comes to social media and brand visibility
- Frustrated with launching because your strategy just doesn't seem to be working
- Ready to land the sale  

Then this program is perfect for you!  

I like to make sure it is a good fit for you and for me so an application is the easiest way for me to learn about you and what you need. I am all about reciprocal energy and I want to help high-vibe ambitious women that are ready to put in the effort.

Totally get that and by putting the effort in now your next summer will be cake! We are looking at 1 hour a week for meetings and then I like to see at least 5 hours of working on your business each week. Anyone who thinks getting to consistent 5k months doesn't take work is not ready for it and the clientele it brings.

By being a part of the powermind you automatically as a bonus get half off my luxury retreats!!! I am all about helping you align and retreats are the best way to get there in person and with a group of like-minded women!

Yes, I will be creating content specific to supporting you each month and that means you will have an expert presentation as well as action items to guide you and your goals each month.

People who pay, I truly believe pay attention and put in the effort. I do not discount my program because I know their value and I teach you to do the same in your business. My goal is to show you how to grow in integrity and charge what you're worth.

If you're ready to level up and make some dramatic shifts in your business, then apply to the Powermind today!